Reflections on IBM’s CEO Study: Creative Organizations
The 2010 IBM Global CEO Study, entitled "Capitalizing on Complexity" provides some remarkable insights into the minds of 1500 CEOs from around the world.
Today's topic:
Excerpt from the Study:
"Standouts recognize that continuous change is the norm. And it’s not sufficient to be prepared for it personally. They must equip their entire organization to be a catalyst for creativity.."
"CEOs saw the need to seed creativity across their organizations rather than set apart “creative types” in siloed departments like product design. To benefit from the diversity of ideas each employee can contribute, Standouts encourage a new mindset of questioning. They invite employees at all levels to challenge assumptions based on past experiences and scrutinize “the way we’ve always done things.'”
What is a creative organization? And how can an organization become more creative?
DrawSuccess has identified more than 30 different kinds of innovation, and our program and process stimulates dozens of ideas and solutions in each session. To learn how DrawSuccess can make your organization more creative, Contact Us.
To request a copy of the 2010 IBM Global CEO Study, go to:
More DrawSuccess Blogs on the Study: