
"Draw out" organizational and team performance to accelerate results

Key Elements of The DrawSuccess Game

The DrawSuccess Game is so unique it’s patent-pending!  The following is a highlight of some of the key elements of the DrawSuccess Game. 

  • Appeals to all Inner Genius Styles (personality and behavioral types).
  • Engages all five learning styles: auditory, kinesthetic, visual, social-emotional and metacognitive.
  • Transforms beyond teaching skills and knowledge to changing behavior.
  • Encourages both left and right brain thinking.
  • Fosters collaboration and synergy.
  • Relatable to all Levels in All Organizations .
  • Reveals Issues and Opens Up Discussion to Solve Problems.
  • Is modular, flexible and strategically aligned to the organization.
  • Offers personality and behavioral type analysis with “real life” situations.
  • Is “more than a game,” and includes a process for follow-up and reinforcement.

To see the complete checklist on the key elements of the DrawSuccess Game, click here: Key Elements in the DrawSuccess Game